Registering a domain or buying hosting space are tedious tasks for ordinary geeks. Most time ,the new geeks run for some cheap hosting providers and start to host with them. After a few moths use, they realized the fact that, there is things more than money. Your site may not be visible to everyone on all time, some times the horrible thing will happen, the server goes down with all your data ! No back with you ! Think, What a horrible incident. I had such a terrible incident with a low cost hosting provider, from this I learned a lesson, go for only a good hosting provider suitable for your budget.Here we are going to find out some good hosting providers.
- Godaddy-GoDaddy is the World’s leading domain name registrar and hosting provider.
- BlueHost -The best all-around value. It does require a year prepay, but already includes one
domain name, and uses the easier cPanel interface.
- Hostgator - It offers so-called “reseller hosting” plans, where you can set your clients up with their own hosting control panels and charge them for it. This is especially interesting for website designers.
- Dreamhost :- Another great hosting alternative. Some famous blogs are hosted using dreamhost’s VPS (virtual Private Server) like www.labnol.org.
BlueHost and GoDaddy are probably the best.BlueHost and Hostgator are cPanel style hosts, which are easier to manage and navigate than GoDaddy’s interface. GoDaddy is the World’s leading domain name registrar and hosting provider. Make sure you buy the Deluxe or Unlimited plan, since the Economy plan only allows you to host one site and as of now it is difficult to upgrade from an Economy to Deluxe plan,but most hosting provider allow you to upgrade your hosting plan easily. Some users tells that GoDaddy’s user interface can be a bit difficult to understand and navigate. The final thing to remember, read reviews and users testimonials form other sites than the hosting providers site will help you to find a good one. Next thing, a more better way is to find a user having more than 1yr experience with your proposed hosting provider and enquired about his experience with them.For my case I enquired with a user, who have more than 3yrs, experience with my hosting provider,so I contacted him through mail and enquired about the site uptime rate,customer support,etc. Look for the features,interface and free tools offered by them.